New paper: “Adapting online approaches to context: an example from Sierra Leone’s higher education”
A new paper reflects on how support to critical thinking skills development has been developed for Sierra Leone’s higher education and then adapted to continue providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
One element of addressing AQHEd-SL goals of improving outcome-based education in Sierra Leone is helping students develop their critical thinking skills.
This is the key role of one of the AQHEd-SL parners, INASP, alongside a Critical Thinking Taskforce drawn from higher education institutions across Sierra Leone. Together, the partners have been adapting and developing approaches to supporting critical thinking skills development.

Veronika Schaeffler, a Programme Specialist at INASP, has written a new paper reflecting on the lessons learnt through this work. In the paper, she reflects on ensuring that approaches to critical thinking training are appropriate for Sierra Leone’s context. She also discusses how these approaches were adapted to ensure critical thinking skills support could continue when the country’s universities were closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the paper: Adapting online approaches to context: an example from Sierra Leone’s higher education