Project evaluation finds AQHEd-SL a “remarkable success”

The newly published final report from the evaluation of AQHEd-SL found that the project has “delivered on all of its intended outputs; it has partly exceeded the original plans, and it has flexibly adapted to changing circumstances whenever needed”.
The evaluation attributes the project’s successes to a range of factors. In particular, AQHEd-SL was a project that was truly and fully Sierra Leonean owned. In addition, observed the evaluators, the time was ripe for reform and change. The project was a catalyst, creating a “window of opportunity to realise pre-existing ideas and to become an instrument for the intentions of various actors”.
Through AQHEd-SL various goals and interests collided; project activities were aligned with personal and institutional interests, the evaluators observed. And AQHEd-SL “managed to create a common bond and a common identity … across different HEIs in SL, but also across HEIs on the one hand and stakeholders/employers on the other hand (not least the TEC!)”. The evaluators particularly noted the waterfalling concept, the common post graduate programme in QA and the common training sessions.
Read the full report here.